Hello . . .
I'm Claire, an innermost guide and scent master. I help women and their families re-connect to their essence, so they get to know who they are and love their life! What I'm most passionate about, is helping my clients align with their soul, so they live life authentically, with power and purpose.
I offer an aromatherapy service in person or on-line to support you to discover how essential oils can support you; as a master formulator I can make a personalised bespoke blend or product for your unique requirements or direct you towards products that will serve you. 'All Essential Oils' hand-selects the purest and most authentic, therapeutic grade essential oils ethically and sustainably from Australia and Internationally. I am a curator of essential oils, a maker of blends and I love to help you understand our products and use them in the best possible way.
Along side this, I provide a supportive, nurturing health-care practice offering well-being and self-care using Myotherapy, Massage, Reflexology, Bodywork, Universal Medicine Therapies, Counselling and Aromatherapy for women, men, teens & children. Offering individual sessions in person and online, the same therapeutic space is extended, to allow whatever is unfolding for you to be held. I listen deeply and offer reflections and guidance to support you having a deep relationship with you, which promotes healing, vital health and simple living.
With over 30 years industry experience in holistic health and wellness and a commitment to evolutionary living, you can relax and know that you are fully supported.
My story
From an early age I observed and had a love of and connection with nature. The majestic strength of trees with their growth pattern of branching; I'd follow one branch and notice it splits in a way that is similar to the previous branch, with each branch of the tree being a smaller tree shape - a never ending pattern.
I reflected on nature's design and understood our connection to nature through our miraculous body; our arteries and veins as they branch from the heart, our lungs, which have evolved to serve a similar function to trees - respiration - and they share a similar fractal structure. The exquisite spiral whorl of a shell, just like a sunflower, galaxies, hurricanes and the human ear express a symbol of the cyclical nature of life, creation and infinity.
Looking up into the celestial sky at the moon, earth's constant companion, with its gravitational pull on Earth, combined with other, tangential forces, causes the ocean bulges that create tides. The changes of the seasons is a constant reminder that change, transformation and cycles are inevitable.
I am deeply in awe of the universe, follow the cycles and seasons and feel at-one with the rhythm of the cosmos.
Through my early life experiences and the unanswered questions I held, I decided at 21 years of age to see the world, embarking on a healing quest.
Travelling through fifteen different countries, I immersed myself in the way other cultures lived. I deeply questioned how my own life had been shaped, which led to pivotal awakenings. These profound influences planted the seeds for my future unfoldment.
The shapes and patterns of nature and the built world of cities and architecture fascinated me. I completed a Fine Arts Degree, majoring in sculpture and studied drawing and painting, discovering a love of colour, form and positive and negative shapes. I am fascinated and deeply moved by the interconnection between our inner nature, the link to nature and the divine.
A instinctive transition and my natural tactile sense, saw me embark on an inquiry into body oriented therapies, embracing the integration of my body, mind, emotions and soul. My extensive studies over 30+ years, have included eastern, western and ancient wisdom teachings.
My inner calling is to touch others by healing naturally. I bring sensitivity with a gentle approach and integrity into the products I develop and the services I provide to assist your health and wellbeing. I transpire to support your body’s inner knowing and innate healing potential to shine forth.
My love of people and my commitment to humanity and culture supports you at each stage. In turn, you are able to uncover any issues and challenge’s you may have, so you are able to let go, and truly heal. My wisdom, playfulness and joy encourages and inspires others to celebrate, appreciate, nurture and be who they are and awaken the soul within.
I bring presence to my work as a business woman, mentor, educator, trainer and health practitioner of therapies that are complimentary to medicine. As the Founder of All at We Are All I strive to emulate and convey an awareness of the vital inextricable link, between nature and our whole body divine intelligence.
Founder + Lead Creative, Speaker + Educator + Facilitator, Registered Aromatherapist, Myotherapist, Remedial Massage Therapist, Universal Medicine Practitioner. Counsellor + Coach.
B.A. Fine Arts - RMIT
Diploma Health Science – Massage (AAMT) - Melbourne Institute of Massage Therapy
Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy (AAMT) - Melbourne Institute of Massage Therapy
Diploma Aromatherapy - Max Therapies Institute
Advanced Diploma Aromatherapy - Centre of Excellence
Advanced Certificate IV Remedial Therapies – Reflexology - Endeavour College
Connective Tissue Therapy – Level 1 - 2 (EPA) - Universal Medicine
Sacred Esoteric Healing – Level 1 - 5 (EPA) - Universal Medicine
Initiate Healing Course - Universal Medicine
Certificate Meditation Teaching - Open Hands
Certificate IV Workplace Training & Assessment - Plenty Training
Applied Tertiary Teaching - Think Education
B.A. Applied Public Health - Torrens University
Level 2 Senior First Aid - CPR First Aid
Certificate IV Small Business - RMIT