5 tips for springtime health

5 tips for springtime health

Easy ways to cleanse and rejuvenate in spring!

Springtime is a time to renew, rebirth, and energize for nature as well as you.

Follow these 5 tips to feel the joy of spring!


  1. Cleanse

Winter often leaves us with stagnant energy, increased toxins, and possibly weight gain. Spring boosts natural fat metabolism and resets fat burning, so a gentle seasonal spring cleanse occurs naturally, so you can begin rejuvenate this season. A prefect remedy is to eat light and live food with smaller portion sizes and stay well hydrated with warm teas.


  1. Warm teas

Sipping warm teas that support detoxification, like the ones below are a wonderful compliment to support springtime cleansing. Hydration helps to rejuvenate the body and mind naturally.

This seasons Herbal teas are Milk Thistle, Chrysanthemum, Dandelion Root, Rose Petal to rejuvenate in spring

  1. Spring eating

Bitter greens in early spring such as Dandelion will boost liver function, cleanse your intestines, so healthy microbes proliferate, which strengthens you immunity. Next, eat lots of microgreens – seedlings of edible vegetables and herbs. Packed with chlorophyll and nutrients they will support your intestinal environment, so new microbes flourish. Finally, spring berries are powerful antioxidants and will cleanse your gut associated lymphatic tissue (GALT), and will rejuvenate your body.

In Spring, introduce microgreens, dandelion greens and spring red berries for health and vitality and to rejuvenate in spring.

  1. Clear you mind

Bring awareness to negative thought patterns and process any repressed feelings and emotions that lie underneath these. Take the time to journal, meditate, engage in art therapy, to re-connect to ‘you’. As you transition into spring, release the accumulated toxins in your mind to cleanse, renew and rejuvenate.


  1. Clean your environment

Your mind will reflect your personal space, so clear out any unnecessary clutter that has accumulated over winter. A peaceful, clean environment where you sleep, work and relax is essential for your wellbeing and will enhance your mental and emotional clarity. Let your home be a place to nourish, recharge and rejuvenate.


“Lighten up,

let the renewal of spring come forth!”

Claire Lamicela

Are you feeling truly vital? Do you need help to re-set in springtime?

Are you feeling sluggish ? Learn how to spring clean your lymphatic system!

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