Spring – Renew, Rebirth, Energize

Spring is the season of balance, harmony and new beginnings.

We humans must emerge from the heaviness of winter, to embrace the seasons sunshine and blossoms.  After the dark winter nights, we appreciate the longer light filled days.

This is the time of year to integrate the lighter energy of spring into your body, mind, and soul.

A period of renewal and rebirth, you have the opportunity to connect to you, feel energized and find balance, harmony and new beginnings.

To do this it’s important to shed what no longer serves you, as this will create space for fresh new growth, while you embrace change and new experiences.

The spring equinox marks a point of balance, where the earth’s relationship with the sun comes into equal balance in the sun’s yearly cycle –  day and night, light and dark are of equal length.  This pivotal moment is symbolic, and is an ideal time to notice contrasts and reflect on your own inner and outer balance and harmony.  

It occurs around the 23rd September yearly in the Southern Hemisphere.

Image result for day and night equal

Reflect on the polarities within ‘you’ and your life:

  • Night / Day
  • Dark / Light
  • Female / Male
  • Rest and play / Work
  • Freedom / Control
  • Peace / Agitation
  • Joy / Anger
  • Time for ‘you’ / Time with others
  • Patience / Impatience
  • Being indoors / Being outdoors
  • Using intuition / Using logic
  • Silence / Sound
  • Surrender / Defence
  • Spontaneity / Planning
  • Yielding / Resistance
  • Love / Fear
  • Short term / Long term

Make a list from the polarities above.

Which areas do you need to change to bring in more balance, harmony and new beginnings?

What would life look like if the balance shifted in a certain aspect?

In the modern world, the masculine energy of action and expression too often overrules the feminine energy of wisdom and acceptance, causing us increased busyness and stress.

It’s easy to become ungrounded and flightly, unable to make clear decisions. Being constantly connected, can mean that you don’t give yourself enough time to switch off and recharge.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you feeling fatigued, depressed or uncommitted?
  • Are you pushing yourself and doing too much? When is enough, enough? Are you resting enough?
  • Do you lack motivation or feel more indecisive than you would like?
  • Do you have enough energy? Are you always exhausted? Is your life in balance right now?
  • Is a sniffle, allergic response, lowered immunity or digestive problems making you feel frustrated?

If you’re out of balance, your productivity, health and wellbeing suffer.

The spring equinox is a reminder to get into balance and harmony.

In spring we need to draw from our roots, and allow our energy to come up so we can move forward with strength and a clear purpose. We need to remain supple, yielding, and true to our nature versus being inflexible and rigid, unable to move, grow and change.

Each seed and sapling follows its own part of nature’s plan, and if we ponder on the wood of a tree, we see it gives nature structure and shape, but does not let anything hold it back, as it naturally branches forward

If we observe nature at this time of year, we can see the energy of spring brings forth new growth; it pushes new shoots through the earth, new branches out from old wood to produce new leaves and flowers emerge. Nourishment can be taken in, so that nature can flourish, so spring marks a time of birth and new beginnings.

Spring gives us hope as the season bursts forward with optimism, offering us change after the quiet, introspective stillness of winter. Without this type of change all things would wither and die.

It’s a particularly energising time of year (there’s literally more daylight each day to give us energy), and it’s a great opportunity to tap into this and get going on making changes.

Renew by developing a new vision and move forward with plans. Rebirth by changing who you are and allowing new ideas to flow in and find expression. Energize by making decisions and being assertive to bring in new hope for the future.


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